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Why Hospice Love
Why HospiceLove?

HospiceLove is a collection of free, easy-to-use guided meditations for hospice patients that assists with pain relief, sleep, comfort, and calm.

Our mission:

to help patients have a more comfortable, lucid, peaceful and dignified end-of-life experience.

Simple to use

Simple to use

1  Choose your category:

  • Pain Relief 

  • Calm 

  • Sleep

  • My Life

2 Choose your track.

3  Press the triangle        to play.

Listen to a sample:

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Where it works

HospiceLove is a free mobile app that works on Android devices.


For iPhone or desktop use, you may download the HospiceLove MP3 audio files directly:  

Where it works

What people say

"I suffer from pain almost daily due to multiple illnesses...this has helped me more than you will ever know."

~Angel W.

"...a lovely voice, gentle yet expressive."


~P. Jen

"Just what I needed on a night with endless pain and insomnia..."

~Mel R.


"Holy smokes, this really worked for me, I can't believe it!"

~Khalid E.

"Thank you. I especially love that you speak in a normal tone of voice... It did help me sleep and I've had years of insomnia."

~T. Troetscher

"Oh my god!! This helped me so much! I suffer with horrible pain ...and can't even sit due to my pain level at a 10. I hope you continue to make audios, they truly help us who suffer."


~Leesa M.

"Thank you so much! I was having severe pain and having trouble sleeping...this helped so much!"


~Kristina F.

What people say

How does it work?



Science Behind HospiceLove

HospiceLove combines 

the relaxation response, priming, and binaural beats

and compassion

music, poetry, and sounds of nature


with extensive professional experience helping clients process and overcome trauma, fears, and difficult emotions

How it works

HospiceLove is also designed to assist professional caregivers and family members in dealing with their own stress, sleeplessness, and emotions.  


Who we are


Peter McLaughlin


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In 2003 I was a small business owner, working to provide for my family, when I was handed a wholly unexpected and potentially fatal leukemia diagnosis. At that moment, everything changed for me.

I became a volunteer EMT and firefighter, and as a first responder, administered chest compressions to the dying.

I became a hypnotist, and for over more than a decade now, I've helped clients let go of long-standing physical pain, heal old emotional wounds, and transcend anxiety and fear.

And I sat with my father holding his hand as he took his last breath.

HospiceLove is built upon the impulse in all of us to help others.  We dedicate this work to the thousands in need of assistance, and to the caregivers who give so tirelessly to patients transitioning from this life.


Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Chief Creative Officer

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I have had the privilege of being present with a number of loved ones when they passed.  At 23, I watched my mother die in a hospital room that was loud and chaotic, and at that moment, I wished with all my heart she could experience the end of her life in a more serene way. 

Within the next decade, I was with my father and two of my dearest friends during their last days. Their experiences were so different: peaceful, present, and conscious. Through them, I saw what was possible. I hoped that someday I'd be in a position to improve the last stage of life for others. 

When Peter dreamed of HospiceLove, I knew that time had come. By designing and building this service, I am attempting to help others find the kind of beauty my mom missed. I believe HospiceLove can do that.




Because we are in startup mode and his salary requirements are modest, we chose Sam to be our CFO. 


Sam's education consists of three days of obedience school at a place called Eagle Ridge.

He doesn't do much for the actual running of the business but he does a lot for our morale.


For this we are grateful.

Questions?  Suggestions?

Contact us

HospiceLove, 359 Quaker Road, East Aurora, NY  14052

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Contact us
Who we are

HospiceLove, 2019

All rights reserved

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